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Let's see where this goes.

I go back and forth between wanting to do a YouTube channel, and doing a blog. Kinda want both. I've asked which people would prefer to keep up with, and most said a blog. So here's this.

I post a lot less on Facebook now, outside of sharing stuff from elsewhere, since I quit drinking. But sometimes I still want to rant, or ramble, or just go off on a tangent. I used to write in an online journal *daily* — sometimes more than one entry — back in the 90's and 2000's. I had an Open Diary diary, live journals, Diary-X (remember them?) and blogs I hosted on my own webspace.

Quitting the drinking and not obsessing over someone on the daily has greatly reduced my compulsion to spew out every last thought that enters my brain. But sometimes I just want to write. Just have a place where I can, if I want.

I'm so much more content these days. I have a better place to live, a job I like, and I'm not in constant angst over a celebrity. Oh, don't get me wrong — the person I have my eye on is a celebrity, but I'm not pining in agony over her. Maybe part of that is because I have a real life rapport with her, to some degree, on Twitter.

I have, however, been feeling more existential these days, and nostalgic for when I lived in NYC in the 90's. Wanting to relive that life, just without the angst and heartbreak I endured constantly during that time. Won't get into all that now, but some of you know what I'm talking about.

So this will just be whatever it ends up being. Probably some ranting, some creative expression, photos of cats and food and me being me... If you're up for it, bookmark me and check back.

P.S. Yes, my title is an Oasis reference.

Posted on Sunday, Jun. 27, 2021.

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